Run your factory efficiently
We bring in our deep understanding of the supply chain and industry best practices to take your company from where it is now, to where it wants to be. Our process combines research, analysis and results-driven recommendations for all areas of the supply chain planning process.

Maximize Production Capabilities
A comprehensive range of supply chain services
Inputs & Considerations
- Production lines/machines – types, capabilities, capacity per shift/day, lead times, setup times, etc
- Order details – production orders by SKU & due date, order prior
- Material availability – BOM representation, on-hand and in-transit materials
- Costs/penalties – cost of mfg, penalty for missing due dates, sequence dependent setups, etc.
- Business rules – available shifts, sequencing rules, alternate resources, etc
Solution Output
- Production Plans – day/shift level capacity & material constrained plan; order fulfilment plan
- Resource Plans – use of alternate/simultaneous resources, overtime capacity, pre-builds, etc.
- Production Schedules – detailed scheduling of production orders on resources
- Digital Kanbans – represent movement & storage of material and trigger production operations
- Multiple Objectives – meeting due dates, minimizing costs, maximizing utilization, etc.

Your supply chain is safe with us.
Meet Demand On-Time
- Simultaneous planning of materials & capacities
- Algorithms … display & understand solution output and
- Interactive management of data inputs, business rules, constraints and output
- Scenario planning … get up & running quickly … use “ondemand” based on business needs
- Execution systems … easily customizable for multiple manufacturing environments with unique requirements
Project Argus Product Planner
consider all tiers of your supply chain with relevant constraints
Data Ingestion
easily import / export data … multiple options including Excel
perform rapid “what-if scenarios”, quickly customize constraints, etc.
The network design study completed by the Argus team is being used as an internal benchmark
Supply Chain Leader
Vice President Supply Chain
To be a resilient supply chain leader, you need the benefit of hindsight in advance©
Tony Lugg
CEO Project Argus
To be a great supply chain leader, you need the ability to not only join up the dots and understand the image that is forming©
Tony Lugg
CEO Project Argus